Dramatherapy is a therapeutic process that uses creative and dramatic techniques to enhance well-being, to support people to develop their personal potential, and for emotional and psychological healing. The therapist and client create the process together. The sessions draw from many aspects of drama such as stories, movement, rhythm, voice, improvisation and role.

Because this therapy works with both verbal and non-verbal techniques, it is  suitable for children who have yet to develop a wide vocabulary and ability to talk about emotions. It is also useful for adolescents and adults who are non-verbal or manifest selective mutism. Sessions can take place individually, that is one-to-one with the therapist, and also in groups. The client does not need to have any previous experience of drama to engage in dramatherapy.

Some of the reasons a person may choose to engage in dramatherapy include:

  1. the desire to grow personally and wanting to shed light on your way of being and relating to others; to accept oneself more and therefore to grow in confidence and self-esteem; to relate better with others; to take decisions with more clarity; to grow to live the best life that is possible for you.
  2. the need to look at a problem or conflict from different perspectives with the support of the therapist.
  3. the search for support to express or unblock emotions, for example where a person may be experiencing bereavement or anger.
  4. the need for relief or healing from a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, or other diagnosis.


The therapy supports relational connection through the therapeutic relationship, that is the relationship between therapist and client. Through this, the process also supports the client to grow in their relational ability and the quality through which they relate to people around them. The therapeutic relationship grows through the non-judgmental and allowing approach of the therapist and the trust of the client. The client will experience this development and feel safer to go deeper into the process. The sessions will be paced at what works best for the client.

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Dramatherapy for adults

The therapy is as beneficial to adults as it is to children. Stories, movement and creative techniques are used to allow you to discover and accept the deeper aspects of yourself in a safe way. By engaging body and psyche you can effect lasting changes where you may need them.

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Eating disorders

Dramatherapy supports clients to work through deep  issues at the safe distance through character, stories and myths. Through sensory and contact work, dramatherapy helps to restore a person’s relationship with their body in parallel with nourishing their self-esteem.

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Child DramaTherapy

Dramatherapy engages adolescents in a developmentally appropriate way, supporting them through action and creative methods. This allows them to feel safer to explore painful difficulties and deeper emotions, connecting with them where otherwise it might be too hard.

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